Policies & Manuals

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Privacy Protection Policy
The Privacy Protection Policy of the A.M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF) rests on several legal, humanitarian and ethical premises. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, and in accordance with the AMQF Child Protection Policy and Media Policy, this Privacy Protection Policy addresses information management. It provides a legal framework for regulating the information related to the AMQF audiences, staff, contractors, beneficiaries, and everyone who imparts personal information to the Foundation.
Governance Manual
The Governance Manual provides an overview of governance practice at the A.M. Qattan Foundation. It is provided to all new Trustees as part of their induction. The Manual will be updated to take into account new developments in governance frameworks and practice. View full text
Human Resource Policy

Merit and excellence form the basis of the Foundation’s recruitment approach, which has a strict policy against discrimination based on gender, ethnic, religious and party-political allegiance.. Currently more than 100 staff members work at the A.M. Qattan Foundation offices in London, Ramallah, and Gaza, 44% of whom are women.

Accounting Manual

The Accounting Manual provides a framework for the systematic documentation and communication of accounting policies and procedures at the Foundation. View full text

Child Protection Policy

The A.M. Qattan Foundation is committed to conducting its programmes in a manner that is safe and protects the children with whom it is in contact. As a non-profit organisation for cultual and educational development, the foundation prioritises the creation and maintenance of an environment that aims to prevent all forms of abuse and promotes the implementation of its child protection policy.

Click here for full Child Protection Policy.  

Media Policy

Effective media is of paramount importance in transferring knowledge and nurturing a constructive dialogue. The media plays an important role as a learning and educational platform, particularly in the context of the information and communications technology (ICT) revolution. The media has put forward the best ICT advances, overcoming age-old barriers and reaching out to all in a timely and interactive fashion. The media not only serves as a tool that helps to convey a mission and a vision; it also plays a pivotal role in exchanging with and providing information to the public. Contributing to shaping culture, priorities and thinking, the media is highly relevant to the transformation of society.

Click here for full Media Policy.

Complaints Policy

The AMQF aims to operate within a positive environment and maintain a constructive relationship with all of its stakeholders. However, disagreements may arise. In some cases, informal discussions with the people concerned can often settle the matter, and this is our preferred approach. In other cases, however, a more formal process might be needed to handle complaints. At the A. M. Qattan Foundation, we view complaints as an opportunity to learn and to improve our services to the public. Thank you for helping us to do this. To read the full Complaints Policy, click here