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The Educational Research and Development Programme (ERDP) is of the view that any change must proceed from the key components of education, namely quality education, curricula, teacher development, economic and social status of teachers, and education policies.


To achieve this goal, ERDP works hand in hand with both male and female teachers. The Programme looks forward to improving the quality of education in Palestine and across the Arab world by means of continuing programmes and projects. These include Drama in Education, Playwriting, Culture, Art and Community Participation, Early Childhood Professional Development, Project-based Learning, Animation, and Cinema Culture at School.


The Science Studio is an outcome of the efforts made by the Walid and Helen Kattan Science Education Project. It will be the hub of an Interactive Science Centre to be created in the future. For the time being, the Science Studio provides a space for a free, interactive learning experience to visitors, including students, teachers, and families.


The ERDP operates in several active centres throughout Palestinian governorates, including the Ni’lin Teacher Centre and regional forums established at the initiative of teachers. The ERDP provides high quality sources of education and culture by means of two libraries in Ramallah and Gaza. The Programme also publishes the Ru’a Tarbawiyya Quarterly in the context of a track that produces Arabic and translated specialised books and articles, which keep abreast of intellectual developments around the world.