About Science Studio

Home About Science Studio

The Science Studio is a product of a long-term research-led experience driven by inquiry-based teaching approaches in science education. It aims to spark people’s curiosity about science, and to make scientific knowledge relevant and attainable within the Palestinian and international human contexts. It aspires to communicate science in a way that achieves engagement, emotional involvement and retention of acquired knowledge, and to offer learning opportunities for students, educators, and the general public. 



Officially launched in October 2017, The Studio is a five-year pilot project (2017-2021) that will lay the foundations for the establishment of an Interactive Science Centre in Ramallah in the near future. It is one of the projects implemented by the Educational Research and Development Programme (ERDP) at the A. M. Qattan Foundation, in partnership with the Ramallah Municipality who generously donated a 590 m² space in the Ramallah Municipality’s Recreational Complex for the establishment of the Studio. The Studio is also in partnership with the Exploratorium: The Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception in San Francisco (USA).

The Science Studio offers a free and creative space for creators, scientists, artists, engineers, educators and technicians to collectively take part in brainstorming, ideation, design, prototyping and creation of interactive science exhibits directed at the Palestinian public for learning and educational purposes.

The Tinkering Lab
Fabrication Space