The Programme hosted three major exhibitions during the period: Hassan Everywhere in Darat Al-Funoun, Amman which featured a large collection of Hassan Hourani's work; Monologue – Works by Bashar Hroub , at Mahatta Gallery in Ramallah which will also be touring Nablus, Jerusalem, Nazareth and, hopefully, Gaza City; and finally Vulnerability, at the Foundation in Ramallah, in collaboration with Instants video Marseilles and the Franco-German Cultural Centre.
In Gaza, the Fursan al-Arab Theatre Group produced Enough Acting! The production was supported as part of the Performing Arts initiative, co-funded by the Programme and the Ford Foundation.
Two distinguished artists were hosted at the Guest House in Ramallah during the period: photographer Noelle Jabbour who spent the whole month of February working on her project Palestine; and lyricist Paula Faunfeck who was invited by the Barenboim-Said Foundation to take part in the preparation of the operetta The Sultana of Kadiz which she wrote and which will be directed by François Abu Salem. During her stay, Faunfeck ran a two-day workshop on writing for music with a number of local writers and musicians.
Finally, the annual Magnificat Prize, supported over the last ten years by the Programme, was this year awarded to pianist Nizar Khater.