November and December witnessed a lively series of visual arts shows, starting with Leather Masks at the National Theatre in Jerusalem , showing work completed during a similarly titled workshop in October; the Bir Zeit University Virtual Gallery also showed all 12 works which had competed in the 2008 Young Artist of the Year Award . Further, CAP supported Passport , an exhibition dedicated to the late poet Mahmoud Darwish at Mahatta Gallery, Ramallah and Transformation , an exhibition of work by Inas Hamad . The first Italian translation of Salman Natour's memoir Thakira was published by EdizioniQ. The author was invited to read from his work in five cities in Italy during November. A new music album by Michel Sajrawi , Writings on the Wall , also came out in Germany. Sneeze , a play directed by Nizar Zu'bi wih Ali Suleiman, Ruba Bilal and Amer Hlehel staged with C AP's support launching the Jenin Freedom Theatre's new facilities. In Adawia School, Tulkarem Watan Group produced the children's play Wise Man's Tricks . Both these productions were supported as part of the Qattan-Ford Foundation joint funding programme for the performing arts.